Sunday, February 27, 2011
Dizziness From Vibrating Toothbrush
Una parte fundamental de los proyectos educativos, es la implicación familiar en los mismos. La mayoría de las veces se hace aportando información, juguetes y cuentos referentes al tema en cuestión. Pero a veces se les pide un trabajito para fomentar el trabajo colaborativo con los hijos y la escuela.
Las familias suelen agradecer estos guiños que hacemos y se esfuerzan en dar lo mejor de sí them.
This time it was about making a statement of pirate swords. The only condition was that the base of the sword was cardboard. Gradually they were coming, and we were explaining to children who had done and how.
This is the phenomenal result:
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Bam Margera Tetovanie
Friday, February 25, 2011
Install Hayabusa Frame Covers

This is Julio Cesar Falcioni, DT who on taking in that club, Maradona objected because "a keeper can not lead to Boca." Diego is now full of praise for Jose Mourinho, coach of undeniable success that not only never played in goal but was not even a professional footballer. "Which is it "Golden boy?
As Claudio Borghi has been confirmed in recent hours as new coach of the Chilean national team football after the era Bielsa Other coaches jump into the ring from the standpoint of dissertations Diego Maradona.Las common humanity and divinity that often make the supreme ex footballer, so contradictory cause amazement among others matices.Acaba of saying "the people Diego "he calls himself that if he was executive of a club, not trepidaría to hire as their coach" to Sep Mou and not, "referring of course to English Portuguese to Mourinho and Guardiola.
So far it's a respectable opinion. It is legitimate to be a supporter of the work style of the current DT prestigious Real Madrid, such as not attract attention Maradona's preference would have been by Josep Guardiola, who has brought glory to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhaving once been a of its greatest exponents as a footballer. What is surprising is the current declaration of Maradona, in circumstances that recently when the new coach of Boca Juniors, the club loves the Argentine idol, was about to assume, Diego cried because that did not occur, saying that "an archer can not be coach of Boca." He was referring of course to the fact that in his successful career as an active player Julio Cesar Falcioni act as gatekeeper.
From the standpoint of Maradona, then, should be complete and not just anyone can coach a team if he has not been a footballer, but not even enough that past if the former player was goalkeeper.
But now Maradona praises launches José Mourinho, the winner from Portugal years with different teams and whose merits no further discussion allowed, to the point that by their clubs nine years ago that keeps local, apart from the vast national and international trophies obtained. Of course Mourinho, unlike Guardiola and former goalkeeper Julio Cesar Falcioni ... NEVER played soccer professionally.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
How Much Wrapping Paper Do I Need
we are doing to the gymkhanas planned, the telescope was already showed in a previous post.
Today is the turn of the pirate hats. Each grade level has a different way. 4 years has made as follows:
- The first part was to take a model of a hat, and painted with soft wax to leave nice.
- After practice the cut, that Light had enough in the first quarter.
- Finally, we took the model cardboard that gave us the breast and garnish with a series of Gomet and stars.
Are not they precious? Moreover, we are great ... And see when we finish everything.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Fetish World Belly Punch

three years ago when he began the existence of stories from my school, I was not prepared to include me in this contest lists. Just started and did not know many of the resources used in this interesting world.
Now I can not say I know much more, but I feel strong and eager to show everyone, what we learn and work play in our class and our cole.
I ask that you visit the blog, and if you like and you think that it is worth, what votéis clicking on the image.
Thanks and Good luck to everyone!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Publisher Proefversie

"Barbaazul and Friends, clicking on the title you can read it.
Monday, February 21, 2011
How To Tape A Dislocated Toe
Of all the things we are learning from this project, a number of painters to work we found for this topic.
The first contact with them was through Anton K. Skilling and a table to which we have entitled "Persecution"

Here are some comments from the kids to see it:
- It's a pirate ship!
- Herb ... is green.
- There is grass, is the sea because there is a boat.
- There are waves.
- There is an island.
- A trunk because is brown I see it.
- but the pirate ship is stuck because I see something white underneath.
- The sky is pink because the sun will be born.
After clarifying some aspects that did not fully be clear, we set to work to have it because we loved it. So were the works of art.

Sunday, February 20, 2011
What Causes Puffy Eyes Overnight
In any good project, the arts, mathematics, English, music ... and literacy - writing, come together to work with students in a comprehensive and systematic way.
In the classrooms of 4 years, there are often much lower case letters, there are many opinions that say children are not ready, mature talking to them. My parallel and I do not agree with this statement.
think that children should be offered the opportunity to try to overcome every day, and when in a class, the majority controls the capital letters, they must submit, in a globalized and meaningful, sensitive.
We have found very satisfactory and the fact that the children they want, "transform" the case most of the work so requested. This
are small examples of how the child's curiosity and interest, exceeds the expectations of adults
Friday, February 18, 2011
Soft Skin Jacket Multicam

Sorry about the apparent arrogance, but do not pretend to be anything like the great Argentine writer, except for one detail I recalled due to a post from my friend Pamela cyber
She recalled in his blog problems Julio Cortázar , born in Belgium in 1914 and died in Paris in 1984, to pronounce the "r".
son of German immigrants and born in that country myself, the pronunciation of the letter "r" it was very difficult, until now at the beginning of my radio activity took the bull by its horns and looked for mechanisms to "reduce damage. " Studying
impostor voice with the late teacher and opera singer Carlos de Serena, which lasted for years, I allowed, among other advantages to phase out gradually coming to grips with my erre.
One of the tricks they taught me Don Carlos practice was constantly making rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuu . Tan
was pervaded the need to overcome evil, even while I was carrying in transportation and building collective the usual sound of the movement of buses, synchronously I did rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuu .. Unfortunately
some time the bus that had stopped me suddenly, so abruptly ended the rhythmic sound produced by the engine, but I continued with my rrruuuuuuuuu .
not forget about 55 years later, his face surprised, amazed, of the other passengers saw and heard a guy who was apparently crazy rrrrrrrrrrrrruuu .
Over time overcame the disadvantage
The funny thing is that my son, born in Chile and mother absolutely native, inherited the problem of the "r", causing laughter of his classmates at school, but at this point it has overcome, despite never exercising the rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuu .
Monday, February 14, 2011
Lab Values Cellulitis Infection
This is our newest addition to the library and that is that I know many things!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Bam Margera Clothes Style
I remember from my childhood, in the decade of the 40's.
My father took me in his Ford, and very years streets with little movement of vehicles, except in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe capital of Chile. There was certainly
parking problems and became very short distances.
In February 2011, Santiago I find charming. A city where hundreds of thousands of people are away for summer vacation. So his lack avenues slow torment of the tumultuous journey that produces cars with drivers and passengers rushed forward and haunt us the rest of the year, failing to acknowledge that we ourselves are part of that army of hotheads, eager and nervous ultra .
on TV I see people complaining because, for reasons many can not go on vacation.
For my part, this condition of Santiago this month, I do consider myself a lucky man to have at my disposal a nice city, quiet and comfortable, with a huge plus:
Because normal driving voltages are reduced to a minimum there is time to admire the surroundings, vegetation and the buildings themselves, in a spirit far more positive and optimistic.
Too bad that as of March 1 return to the madness that is constantly living ... against time!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Winchester See Through Scope Rings

Today we did a puppet. For that part of the model in white.

thought it was a tricky model for children 4 years because of the difficulty of colored and cut pieces as small, and fine motor skills that has a majority. However, the results were surprising:

A small binders ... and Voilà!

also the bosom of the blog Silvia Silvia Surprises has found some pirate games so much fun ... yes, not all are for children, so play to discover and try your luck! You'll see how well you spend it. 20Infinity/juegos/educativos/piratas/index_subhome2.htm
Friday, February 4, 2011
Harry Potter Quilt Cover
The case has been the case inexcusable, outdated and stupid anti Argentine sentiment which houses many Chileans. Too many really. In this blog I have stated many times how I feel about human beings that need to be analyzed for what they are in themselves, not because they are Chileans, Argentines, Bolivians, Arabs, Jews, Catholics, Lutherans and ... to infinity.
The case is unusual because his successes and suspected that his departure from the Chilean national team football would be the fault of others and not his own decision, generated an unusual collective sympathy that what mattered was the least Argentine condition, but it was enough to lift up voices of condemnation of its actions in considerable doubt as to leave or stay, myself included, so that the layers of our society back chauvinist phrases hidden in a shady corner of the soul as "what Argentina believed that so and so in Buenos Aires .".." would not praying to a Chilean "... and I have easing the "concepts." Fortunately
the large campaign had made our selection Marcelo Bielsa in a kind of national hero. Never before in World Cup qualifying we had beaten Argentina itself, beat visiting Peru, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, play show at any given latitude, we won two straight games in the World Cup which was not from that of 1962 as owners home ... anyway. But this waiting
"eternal" to know whether or not the technician will continue with its process and allegedly concluded in his press conference tonight with his resignation, has mixed things. Along with legitimate arguments and reasoning at least respectable of those who believe that the rope has stretched wrongly, have been reborn unfortunately mixes professionally with extreme anti argentinismo who deeply deplore.
is a subject for psychiatrists and specialists in human behavior.
We are not alone. During the South American Under-20 Cup currently being played in Peru, local supporters, disenchanted by the rapid removal of the painting, attending the court to encourage rivals Chile and TV shows his jubilation and celebration when our team gets a goal and even more so when he loses. Is that just as thousands of Chileans are blindly anti Argentines "per se", it seems that thousands of Peruvians are anti Chileans from the soul and in both cases just any trigger, usually sports (thank goodness) to download that type of negative emotions.
At this stage of civilization, one would think that bygone various conflicts or wars should be things of the past, but it happens and not over integration, exchange and other landmarks, are prevalent in many, complex and intractable rancor inherited. It should be something like "syndrome neighboring countries."