not know whether other countries have a concept so close to these things, but in Chile it is irritating, at least in the media.
The most recent case is that of the journalist Soledad Onetto, who is retiring from Channel 13 because after years of brilliant work as host of that station's main news program, he sought to change the entertainment programs, arguing that the She encouraged the Song Festival of ViƱa del Mar in consecutive years was Unsharp at its original image.
The strange concept of channel executives, does not support the logical choice in the sense that he or the character of the sentence to the guillotine, do all the tasks entrusted by the same company in an efficient and highly professional, in the case of Soledad with the bonus of its beauty and charm.
With the forgiveness of my readers, not egotistical but for the sake of comparison, I remember my days when I recounted simultaneously and sports commentator, read on radio and TV news and morning news encouraged great tune checked in and had characters that made jokes. Received public recognition, but at the level of media executives leaving me with the same refrain that "if Stephen makes a character, who's going to believe a story" ... or "when he shouts a goal over someone is going to believe it is a joke. "This, of course, on the basis that the spectators or auditors were unable to differentiate or injunctions.
For what I understand the injustice done to Soledad.
For what I understand the injustice done to Soledad.
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