Today is carnival! And so we have pirates disguised as bad ... but bad bad, we carried scars, hooks and swords.
The penalty has been a horrible time with threatening clouds, and pretty much cold air, so even though the elders have come to parade 20 minutes, we decided to visit their classes later and so we see all. Before we begin our visit, we received the Maria Jose and Silvia breasts with their classes and Adams family of vampires ... How well have happened!
Of course, we have found a few surprises along the way ... Isa as the witch who scared us when we were going to storm his class and the teacher who was a captain Antonio as the sine.
also have seen demons, witches and sorcerers Exorcist monsters, death and the Adams family members of other classes ...
And pirates are bad, we have learned an awful canciçon a pirate: Pata Palo is a bad pirate who eats grilled octopus and drink sea water. Suddenly you experience a boat throws a spit and wrecks. It has a wooden leg and has a hump appears on the rail mount Gururú For cherimoya chim-pun.
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