As I said before I admit that the insane might be me, but I still amazed and astounded a measure agreed by the leaders of that condo I live in the upper part of Santiago.
With the explanation that it is easier to react to the unexpected, especially because the place many children live and play, not to mention the visibility driving the car in front and not "back" is better, it urges us to place cars in the parking lot of each house in the front garden that is open, as aculatada .
Of course in these conditions it is easier to leave, but does not the danger does not exist when entering the vehicle in each parking lot back? Is it not equally risky for children, or whoever, that time? So what's the difference? What advantage is the measure?
I will personally see to whom it may concern, because it certainly is easier to park in front and go "back" with a wide space, the street itself, to do the reverse, entering the car "back" to a small space.
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