Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Xepisodes Broken On Ipod

50 years of Portales (2nd delivery)

here arise under the popular party favors conversation Radio Portales Chilean organized in neighborhoods, one of which was accidentally brought by descendants of foreigners.

includes one of my sports stories, between Ecuador and Chile in the distant 1982, from Guayaquil.

In this part of the conversation, I remember when in my early days in broadcasting, a dog tried to break the news.

The final piece of the interview, within a few days, will the audio document of arrival at Punta Arenas in Chilean Patagonia region full of thousands of Argentines, who joined thousands of other Chileans filled the stadium to pay tribute to John Paul II during his visit to Chile, emotionally thanking Vatican mediation to have prevented an imminent and absurd war between our two countries.



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